For the most part I am teaching many of the same concepts in a similar format. There will be some differences in scope and emphasis, but both are aimed to address situations that men and women are likely to encounter. In women’s self defense classes I am going to give some specific instruction that will be covered particularly for women- wrist grabs and variations of understanding encroachment and how to escalate and use your voice, when appropriate.
However, time permitting- I also introduce these concepts in the classes for men and women. Is it likely that a man will have to deal with a wrist grab? No. Is it likely that a man will have to deal with the creepy encounters that women constantly face? Not likely, but I explain it from the point of view of, here is something you can easily teach to your friend, sister, girlfriend, etc. It is of value for you to be able to understand something and pass that information on to someone you care about.
Concerned women- but training with men is scary, right? I know it may seem uncomfortable but my main goal is providing a safe, a positive learning environment for everyone in my sessions. I would prefer women be paired up with men for some of the drills, so that they can work with someone potentially bigger, stronger/taller, and get a better imprint of what targets are available, and learn how size and build can affect movement, mechanics, and your options.
In an introductory self-defense seminar my intent is not to crank the intensity dial to a 10 and see who stays standing. There will be opportunities for you to push harder and work at a faster pace if you want, and I will push your comfort zone, but I have to push comfort zone intelligently and safely. This means that our drills can be scaled up or scaled down to the intensity that you need in order to make you safer and more effective at defending yourself.
Regardless of this, there are still women who are more comfortable training in an environment of only other women, so women-only classes will still be a regular offering, and currently my women’s only classes are now open to girls age 13-16 if an adult registers and also attends the session.
Train smart, stay safe, & sign up early!
Evan Dzierzynski
Owner/Lead Coach
NOVA Self Defense