Japanese Martial Arts studio- on Seminary road (pictured above) in Baileys Crossroads/Falls Church VA.
JMA is a fully matted facility martial arts studio with great equipment. Most of my weekend self-defense training events will be held at this location.
- 3-hour mens & women's self-defense seminars
- multiple-session courses
- specialty seminars- ground-fighting, restricted striking, multiple-attacker, etc
- Private lessons
Crossfit Falls Church- yoga room:
I will be offering private lessons as well as a new 4-session fast track course here. What’s awesome about the fast track course is that it includes our full discussion on mindset and non-physical concepts, yet provides the physical training in a small group setting. This means more drills, better reps, more coaching-per student, and faster learning!
Clients wanting a private seminar for your group- we do these anytime the JMA studio is not currently booked!
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Holidays!
Evan D.
Owner/Lead Coach
NOVA Self Defense