- Keep your doors locked when you are driving. If a carjacking by force attempt is made, it is significantly more difficult for the person to remove you from the vehicle by force if your doors are locked and your windows are up.
- If an accident or aggressive action occurs that feels like it was on purpose, keep your guard up! Do not unlock or get out of the car until you know what is going on and that you are safe.
- Always consider your escape options.
We all witness aggressive and bad drivers on a regular basis, but if somebody does something that blatantly targets you such as forcing you off the road, bumping your car on purpose, or forcing you to come to a stop, consider what your options are for escaping. If someone then gets out the car and aggressively moves towards you, you might have to reverse and drive away, punch the gas, push their car out of the way (assuming your vehicle is capable of doing so), or in the event of deadly force, hit the person with your car and get to safety where you can call the police, when lesser force options are not available or did not work.
Always keep thinking and assessing!
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Train smart & stay safe!
Evan D.
Owner/Lead Coach
NOVA Self Defense