What I appreciate about this concept is how well it also relates with success in life and personal defense.
Event: good or bad, the Event is occurrence that affects you directly or indirectly.
Response: the response is what you personally do in response to said event; this could be a physical response, the emotional handing of event, or taking no action at all as the event unfolds. Your Response is the only thing you control.
The Outcome is the net result of the Event plus your Response. Both in life and personal defense, your Outcome to an Event can vary greatly depending on how you respond.
A real-world example:
Event: You get laid off from your job on short notice.
Response: you sulk, complain to your friends and family about how the system is not fair, pin the blame on others, and binge drink for two weeks.
Outcome: you've still lost your job, have lost motivation, have done nothing to improve your position, and your friends don’t want to be around you anymore because you're a downer.
Response: your response is, “Good, now I have the time to pursue what I've always wanted to do!” You're fired up, networking, and pursuing leads for the work you always wanted to do but wouldn't take the risk to get into before.
Outcome: the outcome is always unknowable, but someone who looks at something positively and takes action is more likely to identify opportunities to improve his or her position.
Reframed in a personal defense perspective, some of the only things you bring with you into the Event are your pre-fight mindset, prior knowledge, relevant training. Since your response is the only thing you can control when the event is unfolding some of the best options for improving how you respond are continually educating yourself, improving your attitude, and taking responsibility for every event you end up in.
Train smart,stay safe, & keep learning
Evan D.
NOVA Self Defense
Owner/Lead Coach