In bullet-point format you see all of these things:
- Verbal anti-social aggression with threats of violence
- An attempt of verbal de-escalation, though it failed
- Encroachment of space, presumably ego-based violence
- Two person-encroachment with secondary man initiating the ambush
- A one-sided multiple attacker beat-down
First watch the escalation phase, verbal altercation back and forth with a guy who had his shirt off (Attacker 1) or took it off in a posturing attempt. Then watch how the two guys positioned on him. Victim pushes attacker 1's face, at this point Attacker 2 initiates the physical assault, off-angle, straight punches while the victim is distracted, as soon as he pushes Attacker 1 away.
What follows at this point is in line with what Lee Morrison mentioned at his seminar with respect to multiple attackers, an asymmetrical display of violence against the victim, where a third man jumps in as well, with all participants kicking and stomping him in the head when he is down.
This is an important video to analyze because it shows a serious situation anybody could get caught in. Close proximity with an escalating situation. Letting your ego get the best of you and saying the wrong thing early in a confrontation lead to an escalation of violence in a close-proximity location could lead to a much bigger problem. Even if you do everything right, you still might have to fight for your life. If you do, hit as hard as you possibly can with intent.
Stay safe & hit like you mean it,
Evan D
NOVA Self Defense
Owner/Lead Coach