The facility itself was awesome; huge matted space in an open area. From what I understand they used to run a Muay Thai and CrossFit program out of their location; they also have a bar attached to the training area!
Regarding the seminar, I can’t speak to whether the content covered was the norm for a McCann seminar since this was my first one; however, this being last seminar to be held at this facility before closing up shop and making his business mobile, it was apparent that many of the participants in the room had trained with him before, and many traveled a long ways to make it to this one.
What I was most impressed with was with how Kelly, Michelle, Bart, and the rest of his team conducted themselves as professionals. The entire session he & his crew were providing feedback, getting hands-on, and improving how we were learning as we practiced the combative sequences and movements that they taught. If you didn't quite get something, they saw it, provided constructive hands-on feedback, & helped you get there.
One really cool thing we did was experience some combatives in a vehicle. It was really interesting to see how things varied from sedan to SUV,even the differences in each model as to how your options and movement changed, and how the size and agility of the participants factored into each drill.
So, what about the rest of the seminar, what was covered? No spoiler alerts here. If you want to know, go train with him yourself! All I can say is that it was well worth it for me get to the seminar, and many people who traveled the country to get there would likely say the same.
One more thing-Kelly is different. It’s clear that he cares about every person in the room, is invested in everyone’s improvement, and treats everyone as a friend. That’s something that stands out. I’m looking forward to training with them again.
Evan D.
Owner/Lead Coach
NOVA Self Defense