-Gavin de Becker, The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence
Since summertime is a busy time of year filled with vacation and travels, we’ve decided to outline some suggested summer reading material. Our first suggestion is, The Gift of Fear, written by an industry expert on violent behavior, Gavin DeBecker. In this book, DeBecker explains how to identify the subtle, pre-incident indicators of violence. The audiobook version of The Gift of Fear plays out like a suspense thriller and is full of useful information: advice on what to do if you are being stalked, how you should act when you are approached by a stranger, and many other self-defense relevant concepts. One of the key points of this book is listening to your intuition.
Some of the Pre-incident indicators discussed are:
- Forced Teaming- a person assuming a common bond that does not exist
- Too many Details-excessive details when lying
- Not accepting “NO”-not accepting or respecting your decision
- Giving unsolicited help or an unsolicited promise